Our Coven Profile

Our Coven was created with the goal and vision to create the kind of coven and the kind of Wiccan Tradition its members desired to build together to serve their purpose: one which stress’s intimate bonds of trust between members, privacy in worship, non-hierarchy, a balance of female and male energy, constant creativity, personal growth, and healthy responsible honest living. We seek to empower a future of a more complete synergy between Nature and humanity.

Our coven has several functions:

  • First and foremost, this is a spiritual and religious family—a close-knit group of people who implicitly trust each other with their most personal and intimate lives. This family shares a deep karmic bond of trust that cannot be rushed; it takes time and patience for its members to reach this level through their practice of the Craft. As a result, we take the application of any potential new member very seriously. Each new individual who joins our circle can profoundly and dramatically influence the bonds between existing members.

  • Second, this group serves as a supportive community that is intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual, and magical in nature. Its members actively engage in each other’s lives and prioritize mutual benefit. Therefore, we ensure that new applicants are genuinely committed to dedicating ample time and effort to our rituals, festivals, lessons in magical theory and practice, and ministerial activities in the community each month.

  • Third, it is an assembly of priestesses and priests—a sisterhood and brotherhood of servants—who come together as equals at specific times each month to empower their work in the community, honor the Lord and Lady, and heal the land and the life that thrives upon it. This holy order views the land and all life as divine and sacred. Members attune themselves to the land’s yearly cycles through shared rituals, raising energy collectively toward their common purpose. Our covens have no outsiders; there are no audiences or bystanders. Everyone present at our rituals is fully engaged and considered a participant.

Not all Wiccan covens or traditions operate the same way, but our coven does. We practice an eclectic tradition of Wicca, drawing from:

1000 opinions, perspectives, and ideas and the richness of many different viewpoints.

1000 inner thoughts, emotions, or memories that a single individual contains.

1000 voices that can collectively speak together to form a collective.

Our coven’s monthly activities are a top priority. We celebrate all sabbats and esbats (the full moon and new moon) to honor the gods, raise energy for our collective purpose, and promote healing in the land while supporting one another. Our core beliefs are outlined on our Foundational Beliefs page. Occasionally, we engage in skyclad rituals, and all our gatherings are held in the privacy of our members’ homes or in secluded outdoor locations. We do not discuss our coven activities, members, or any occurrences within our circles with non-members. Every member takes an oath of silence to ensure each other’s safety and security, even if they choose to leave the coven. In essence, we are committed to keeping our private lives confidential.

We have our own liturgy tailored to meet our needs and symbolically practice the Great Rite. We embrace individuals’ sexual preferences and orientations, provided they are consensual, honest, and do not involve children or animals. We do not conduct public rituals and do not adhere to a matriarchal or patriarchal structure. Our community is non-hierarchical, and we do not place importance on lineages from any Wiccan Tradition. Our focus is on personal development within our group, rather than past associations. While we value skill development and mentoring, we reject the idea of apostolicity—the notion of passing down spiritual power and authority. We believe that every individual has access to their own power, which can be cultivated through dedicated study and practice to address life’s challenges. Aligning our lives with Natural Law supports our well-being, and we hold that each person is their own highest spiritual and religious authority. We come together as equals, regardless of how long we have been practicing. As priests and priestesses, our coven prioritizes serving one another, the Gods, and the land. Our responsibilities, roles, and duties are rotated, decisions are made by consensus, and we take vows to uphold our Coven Laws.

Our coven does not actively seek new members or promote our religion in any way. This website is our only public platform. We keep all membership information confidential, and our public visibility policies are based on complete coven consent before any action is taken. Members prioritize their involvement in all coven activities, scheduling in advance to ensure their participation. All members take turns leading the coven's rituals. Our coven does not handle money. A member may be dismissed for violating any of the coven's bylaws, and we expect a certain level of maturity, courtesy, and respect when we gather in our members' homes. All coven members are 21 or older; this is our only requirement for applying to our coven. The application process can take months, involving discussions, social visits, ritualistic interviews, and eventually a year of involvement as an initiate before becoming a full coven member. Our complete bylaws are discussed with new applicants before they are required to abide by them. We do not have abstentions when our coven votes on an issue.

Our coven has strict policies and requirements in place due to past experiences with problems that can arise without them. We believe that it's important for new applicants to fully understand our coven upfront to avoid any misunderstandings about acceptable behavior and the purpose of our coven. While we enjoy joy and laughter, we take our Craft practice seriously. Many of our members have traveled and observed covens across the country, and we understand that what we have is rare and valuable. Unlike most covens, which have a short lifespan, we are committed to building and nurturing our coven for the long term. As priestesses and priests, our work in this Tradition gives meaning and purpose to our lives.

It's truly amazing to be part of a circle of people with whom you can share anything, knowing that what you say will not be shared elsewhere. It's amazing to be in a group of people who are there to listen to you and genuinely support your best interests. It's a truly remarkable experience to be part of a circle that offers complete freedom.

These principles embody the best qualities of our coven and Wiccan Tradition. In our belief, Wicca is a religion that emphasizes taking full responsibility and being accountable for our lives. It is a path of initiation and a lifestyle of mindfulness and personal growth. We are here to serve, nurture, and heal, to honor the Divine in all its forms, and to share our lives with strength, equality, health, and trust. May you find what you seek with the right people in the right time and place.